Fieldwood Heritage Society

Canning, Kings County, Nova Scotia

How My Yodeling Days Began

Wilf Carter

LP 33rpm record


RCA Limited
Sydney, Australia and Auckland, New Zealand

Wilf Carter record (Australia) 33rpm LP RCA VKLI-7426 side one
(The bottom of the side one label has been defaced by a rubber stamp.)
side one label (above)
How My Yodeling Days Began
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP RCA VKLI-7426
side two label (below)
Wilf Carter record (Australia) 33rpm LP RCA VKLI-7426 side two
Library stock number A079

Wilf Carter
How My Yodeling Days Began

Song Titles
Side 1

Down by the Railroad Track
Take Me Back to Colorado
How to Make Love
Yellow Rose of Texas
West of Rainbow Trail
Side 2

Sleep, Little One, Sleep
Last Ride Down Lariat Trail
How My Yodeling Days Began
Laugh with Me, Sigh with Me
Whisper Your Mother's Name
An LP album's name is usually taken from the song on Side 1 Cut 1.
This album's title song is placed on Side 2 Cut 3.

Jacket front: Wilf Carter record (New Zealand) 33rpm LP RCA VKLI-7426
New Zealand jacket front (above)
How My Yodeling Days Began
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP RCA VKLI-7426
New Zealand jacket back (below)
(The jacket back is similar, but not identical, to the front.)
Jacket back: Wilf Carter record (New Zealand) 33rpm LP RCA VKLI-7426
Wilf Carter record: RCA Limited, Sydney, Australia and Auckland, New Zealand

Jacket spine: Wilf Carter record 33rpm LP RCA VKLI-7426
Jacket made in New Zealand

Wilf Carter's records

As sold in Australia and New Zealand

Wilf Carter
LP: How My Yodeling Days Began

As sold in Canada

Wilf Carter record (Canada) 33rpm LP RCA Camden CAL-2222 side one
side one label (above)
How My Yodeling Days Began
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP RCA Camden CAL-2222
side two label (below)
Wilf Carter record (Canada) 33rpm LP RCA Camden CAL-2222 side two
Library stock number A005

Jacket front: Wilf Carter record (Canada) 33rpm LP RCA Camden CAL-2222
Canadian jacket front (above)
How My Yodeling Days Began
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP RCA Camden CAL-2222
Canadian jacket back (below)
Jacket back: Wilf Carter record (Canada) 33rpm LP RCA Camden CAL-2222

Jacket printed in Canada
Jacket printed in Canada

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First uploaded to the WWW:   2004 July 19